How You Can Help
- By praying for our volunteers and the recipients of their care; and/or
- By sending your donation directly to RoNaCO by check/cheque payable to Rodel Naval Care Outreach and mail to:
Rodel Naval Care Outreach
10 Deerlick Court, UNIT 709
North York, ON M3A 0A7
- If you are a resident of Canada, you may eTransfer directly online from your Bank Account (CAD$) to RoNaCO’s email address: The money that you would send will be directly deposited to RoNaCO’s account at Meridan Bank. No need for security question/answer. As soon as the money is deposited, Meridian Bank will advise us and then we will advise you. For donations made for the CURRENT year directly to RoNaCO, RECEIPT WILL BE ISSUED THE FOLLOWING YEAR AROUND FEBRUARY in time for tax purposes.
- Thru PayPal by clicking the Donate button below. If you do not have a PayPal account, you may use any credit cards.
- Thru CanadaHelps by clicking their DONATE button below which will lead you to RoNaCO’s profile. CanadaHelps will immediately issue a receipt online to you upon the donation transaction is completed.

RoNaco is committed to exercising faithful stewardship over the funds
entrustedto us. We are aware of the sacrificial nature of your gift and we
respect your privacy. In recognition of your generosity, we make this pledge to you:
we will not rent, sell, or make available our donors’ information to any other,
organization, group, or individual. We never solicit by phone.
Canada Revenue Charity No. 87096 2164 RR0001
Security Exchange Commission (Philippines) Reg. No. CN201523299
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: